Be Real with Eliza Reynolds: Conversations About Mental Health, Friendship, Body Image & More for Big-Hearted Preteen & Teen Girls

why being sensitive is badass

Eliza Reynolds Season 1 Episode 62

Every now and then someone asks me about why I love the word “badass”…? Like doesn’t it mean like ‘tough’ and maybe like ‘rebel without a cause’ vibes? Isn’t that the opposite of all the ‘sensitive, big-hearted’ stuff we talk about here? NOPE! Because what’s actually more ‘badass’ than being sensitive, taking up space and being your whole, complex, imperfect REAL self? If you’re trying to live the real way alongside me… you know it can be HARD (and so worth it)!! So today I’m talking about the (previously unshared) story of reclaiming badass for myself, naming our company Badass Girls, and inviting our community to find their own spin on the word. Fun surprise: you’ll also hear from a handful of our own mentors (AKA big siblings and big sisters in the Badass Academy) who wanted to hop on and share what ‘badass’ means and feels like to them. If you’re curious or you’re hesitant about the word ‘badass’… or you feel nerdy about reclaiming words… I invite you to come listen! XOXOX, Eliza

The Badass Academy Membership is opening on July 13th! Get on the waitlist today:

Find show notes and links from the episode at!